WARNING - BOB is my alter ego - Bitchy Old Broad.
BOB's adventures are basically rants - some funny - some silly - some stupid - some sad - some just plain bitchy -
depending on your point of view. Also be warned that I may cuss/swear on this blog. If that offends you - don't read it.
I'm a grown-up and I can swear if I want to. It's my blog. Also - these opinions are only my opinions - I could be wrong. ;))
If you haven't already - you may want to read my posts - Meet BOB - and BOB went to Target.
If you prefer not to read rants - STOP READING NOW!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

BOB and Easy Street





By jove - I think I’ve got it!!

Just like last year - HERE -

BOB was having trouble getting to sleep the other night -

Waiting for Santa ;))

So she got to thinking about Bonnie Hunter’s Easy Street Mystery Quilt - HERE -

And just might have a solution to the mystery - ;))

BOB loves mysteries -

And has never been able to read one -

Without trying to figure out “whodunit” -

But if you are one of those who thinks that a mystery -

Should REMAIN a mystery -

Until you read the VERY last page -

And if you would rather not know -

And would rather be surprised -

I respect that -

Just don’t read Quilter BOB today -


SO -

This is what BOB thinks -

And we all know BOB could be WRONG!!

BOB originally thought that with a quilt 84 x 84 -

And 3" "units" -

That the grid would be 28 x 28 = 784 units

And that 12" blocks set 7 x 7 would finish at 84 x 84 -



The blocks are 7" and set 12 x 12 -

No - 7" blocks won't work with 3" units -

And - the units are being made in multiples of 8 not 12 -



The blocks are 21" and set 4 x 4 -

THAT would work with 3" units -

AND with 16 blocks -

THAT would work with units made in multiples of 8 -

SO -


ONE of these is our basic block -

#1 -

#2 -

#3 -

#4 -

#5 -


My favorite is #5 -

So let’s use that one -

And make 16 of them -

And then set them 4 across and 4 down -

And it looks like this??

A - in Bonnie’s colors -

B - in my colors -

BOB has NO IDEA if this is even close -

Or what Bonnie has planned for the last steps -

But -

This would be a really cool layout - don’t ya think?

Yeah - BOB thought so - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Friday, November 30, 2012

BOB and The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

BOB loves to quilt -

BOB loves to bitch -

And sometimes BOB makes a bitchin’ quilt - ;))

BOB has given hand-made quilts to family members on occasion -

Some recipients see HAND-made -

Some recipients see HOME-made -

BOB has received various reactions to these gifts -


Quilt made to match recipient’s family room colors and decor -
Quilt was hung on their family room wall in a place of honor - ;))

Quilt made by request in “blue” -
Recipient liked it so much - he/she was afraid to use it -
BOB had to insist that it be “used” and not just “looked at” - ;))


Quilt made in gorgeous batiks -
Comment - “It’s pretty - but it’s not soft.”


Quilt made as a surprise for a special occasion -
And taking a considerable amount of time -
Comment - “Oh, it’s lovely - but those aren’t my colors any more.”


Any guesses as to which recipients -

No longer receive quilts as gifts from BOB? - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

BOB went to class

I recently read a blog telling of a quilting class -

Where a mom had brought her new baby -

Three weeks old -

Awwwwwwwwww -

What a cutie!!

She had left her two older kids home with daddy -

But brought the baby to class - ;))

BOB finds it hilarious strange -

That DADDY can't/won't handle all three kids -

On class day -

But MOMMY is expected to handle all three kids -

EVERY day - ;))

But I digress -

Now I know that I am probably in the minority -

A - G - A - I - N -

But I don’t think -

That the mom should have -

Brought the baby to class -

Even if she was breastfeeding -

That's why they have breast-pumps - ;))

I think that it was rude and selfish of her -

Unless the class SPECIFICALLY invited children -

Don't get me wrong -

I am ALL FOR teaching kids to quilt -

And the younger - the better -

But you have got to admit -

That three weeks old is a bit young -

To get a full grasp of the basics - ;))


If I were another mom -

Who had arranged for a babysitter -

For my kids -

And signed up for a class -

I would not appreciate -

Another mom bringing HER baby to class -

I left mine at home -

On purpose -

So that I could get AWAY from kids -

And talk to some grown-ups in the daytime -

Only to have YOU bring YOURS??

thankyouthankyouverymuch -

And then I’m expected to smile -

And say Awwwwwwwwww -

What a cutie!!

When I would much rather say -

Awwwwwwwww, MAN!! -

Or -

Oh, CRAP!! -

Why didn't you tell me kids were allowed?? -

If I had known -

I wouldn't have gone to all of that trouble -

To make special arrangements -

I would have just brought MY kids, too!! - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BOB and the check

Long story short -

We had a check for $4.67 -

And decided to cash it -

Rather than deposit it to our account -

BIG mistake -

Felt like “Target” all over again - ;))


My Other Half went to the bank -

Gave the kid/teller the check -

Told him that he would like to cash it -

And saw the confused look on his face -

The kid/teller had no clue how to “cash” it -

So My Other Half offered to give him 33 cents -

To make it an even $5.00 -

I swear -

And I have the receipt to prove it -

THREE transactions later -

#1 - Deposit to checking - $0.33

#2 - Deposit to checking - $4.67

#3 - Withdrawal from checking - $5.00

Comment for checking -
Cash Withdrawal -

Cash Received - 0.33
Check Received - 4.67
Cash Delivered - -5.00

And the kicker -

ID Source - Driver Lic

Should have just deposited the dang thing -

THAT would have been -

ONE transaction - ;))

As it turns out -

The kid/teller -

Was the SUPERVISOR!! -

And you wonder why I worry -

About this next generation - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

BOB insists

There are those among us -


That we remove the word verification -

From OUR blogs -

To make it easier -

For THEM -

To leave a comment -

To which BOB replies -



You’ve heard that before -


How about this -

BOB insists -

That YOU -

Remove any and all music from your blog -
It is annoying -
And I don’t want to hear it -

Change the font size and color on your blog -
To something that I can actually READ -
I won’t read your blog if I CAN’T read your blog -

Use proper grammar -
Him and me did NOT go to the store -
I did not spend years in school learning proper grammar -
Just to hear/read you butcher it -

Spell words correctly -
So that I know what you mean -
WHERE and WEAR are NOT the same -
And there is a difference between THERE - THEIR - and THEY’RE -
And there is a difference between YOUR and YOU’RE -

To make it easier -

For ME -

To understand YOU -

To which you would undoubtedly reply -


You can’t tell me what to do!!

It’s MY blog -

It's MY music -

It’s MY font -

It’s how I speak -

It’s how I spell -

You’re not the boss of me!!

And BOB would just smile sweetly -

And say -


But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BOB and the light

Where does the light go -

When you turn the switch -

OFF? -

If it was a good light -

Does it go to heaven?

If it was a bad light -

Does it go to hell?

Or does it just go -


Where does our light go -

When we -


If we were a good light -

Do we go to heaven?

If we were a bad light -

Do we go to hell?

Or does our light just go -

OUT? - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

Don't know who said it first -

But BOB and I agree -

Funny how we celebrate Labor Day -

By NOT working - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Friday, August 17, 2012

BOB and reverse it

RH teacher -
LH student -

RH teacher is unable to show student how to do it LH -
So - LH student is expected to “just reverse it” -

LH teacher -
RH student -

LH teacher is expected to show student how to do it RH -
Because - RH student is unable to “just reverse it” -

Boys and girls -

Can you say -

Double Standard??

Just because it’s a RH world -

Doesn’t mean everyone is RH -

If -

LH students are expected to “just reverse it” -
When being taught by a RH teacher -

Then -

RH students should be able to “just reverse it” -
When being taught by a LH teacher -

And -

RH teachers should be expected to show the LH student how to do it LH -

I mean - c’mon now guys -

Fair is Fair!!

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Friday, August 10, 2012

BOB and Smart Phones

KatieM posted a rant on “Smart Phones” - here

BOB totally agrees -

And thinks that "smart" phones are for the people -

Who use/want/need "technology" as a substitute -

For actually being "smart" themselves.

“Technology” is just so damn convenient -

People begin to crutch on it -

Using spell-checkers instead of dictionaries -

GPS instead of maps -

Until -

The "technology" becomes the norm -

And there is no alternative.

For example -

I use the dictionary in my head -

And learned to spell at an early age - ;))

I don't want/need GPS -

I can read a map -

But try to find a map to read -

"Everyone" has GPS.

So - because I can't find a map -

I am basically forced to use GPS -

Because -

There is no alternative - UGH!!

And then what happens -

When the GPS puts you out in the middle of nowhere -

And you can’t find a map -

To get you back to where you “should” be - ????

But then again - it's probably just me - ;))

Friday, August 3, 2012

Little Johnny

Little Johnny came home from school one day -

And his mom asked him what he had learned -

He told her that his teacher -

Had talked about her imaginary friend -

His teacher had told him that -

He tells her what to do -

He tells her what not to do - (or else) -

He has some rules she has to follow -

He has a book she has to read -

He grants her wishes - (sometimes) -

He has a birthday and she celebrates with presents and everything -

Little Johnny’s mom got all upset -

And was ready to march on down -

To the principal’s office -

To complain about the teacher -

Until she realized that -

Little Johnny had just come home -

From Sunday school - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

BOB and Sisters

Bonnie Hunter posted about this year’s -

Quilt show -

In Sisters, Oregon - here -

Great photos of -

The crowd -

The food -

And their table at the trunk show/lecture -

But -

BOB can't see paying $$$ -

For food that she can’t eat -

And a trunk show/lecture -

That she can’t see -

Because the table -

Is so far away - ;))

BOB thinks that -

Rather than actually -

ATTEND the show -

She’ll sit at home -

In her comfy chair -

In her jammies -

With her cup of coffee -

And -


Check out all of the blog photos -

For FREE - ;))

BOB can't wait to see -

The Long Beach International Quilt Show -

This weekend - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Friday, July 20, 2012

BOB and 60-degrees

Lefties -

If you want to have some fun -

Next time you go to a quilt shop -

Ask someone there -

Or ask your quilting teacher -

To show you how to cut a 60-degree diamond -


Then watch them flip a ruler this way and that -

For a while -

When they finally give up -

Smile sweetly -

Tell them to "just reverse it" -

Then show them that all you have to do -

Is start from the RIGHT end of the strip -

And cut along the LEFT side of the ruler -

Or you could just wait to see -

How long it takes them to figure it out - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

BOB knits


When BOB was a kid -
And asked her mother to teach her -
How to knit -

Her mother said that she would be damned -
If she was going to try to figure out -
How to do it LEFT-HANDED -
So that she could show BOB how -

So if BOB wanted to learn how to knit -
She would teach her -
Or not at all -

BOB's little sister - bob -
blind old bat -
On the other hand -
Never learned to knit -
At all -

Even though bob is/was -
Because she didn't want to -

And she didn't have to -
Because -
BOB's mother did it -
For her -

BOB did it herself -

BOB also taught herself -
How to crochet -

But then again - it's probably just me.

Friday, July 6, 2012

BOB tries to

BOB tries TO -

Do stuff -

BOB does not try AND -

Do stuff -

The only time -

BOB will try AND -

Do something -

Is if BOB tries AND -

Fails -

Because -

BOB never tries TO -

Do that - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Friday, June 29, 2012

BOB and binding width

BOB prefers a 2-1/4” binding on her quilts -

And likes to sew it on using the edge of her walking foot -

So that the front and back binding width are the same size -

But when she sends it to be quilted -

Her friend/quilter prefers a 2-1/2” binding -

Her friend/quilter does GREAT work -

But she sews the binding on with a 1/4” seam -

Which makes it SKINNY on the front -

And FAT on the back -

And that drives BOB NUTS!

I know - I know -

BOB should stop complaining -

And just do it herself -

But her friend/quilter is so GOOD at the rest of it -

And her friend/quilter insists -

That she does the binding -

The same way that BOB taught her -

Many years ago -

But BOB doubts that -

Very much - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

BOB and irons

BOB wants to add her two cents -

To LHQ’s post about her Dead Iron -

BOB thinks that -

If the iron manufacturers -

Would just make irons -

The way they USED to be -

WITHOUT the "auto shut-off" -

They could probably sell a whole bunch of them -

To Quilters EVERYWHERE -

Who would like to have their iron ON -

When they go to press something -

And who are perfectly capable -

Of turning their irons OFF -

When they are done using them -

OH - and by the way -

I don’t want to have to pay EXTRA -

Because you made it "QUILTER-friendly" -

I'm tired of having to pay EXTRA -

Because the word "QUILTER" is on stuff -


I don't want to have to pay EXTRA -

Because you left OFF that annoying "safety" feature -

Like some of my friends have to pay EXTRA for "sugar-FREE" -

Pay you EXTRA to leave something OUT of the recipe -

Yeah - that makes sense!! - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

BOB and dreams

BOB was dreaming -

The other night -

And when she woke up -

The next morning -

She thought -

“Where do you GO when you GO to sleep? -

What if THAT’S reality -

And THIS -

Is the recurring nightmare?” - ;))

But then again, it’s probably just me.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

After Tuesday

Found this a while back -

Thought you might like it -

Wednesday thought for the day -

Click here -

My thoughts exactly!!

But then again - it's probably just me.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bob couldn't care less -

On a recent episode of -

Fairly Legal - USA Channel -

There was an exchange between Ben and Leo -

Ben is a lawyer -

Leo is the personal assistant to the “she” referred to below -

I think that I wrote it all down right -

But - if not - it’s close enough - ;))

Ben - What? I could care less if she’s sleeping with him -

Leo - COULDN’T care less -
COULD care less indicates you care ENOUGH to care less -
Of course, how MUCH less you COULD care depends -
On how much you DO care - which is? -

Ben - Zero - and you can’t care less than zero -

Leo - True that - if that were true -


BOB agrees with Leo -

And COULDN'T care less if she's sleeping with him -

But -

If Ben cares zero -

And - as he himself said -

You can’t care less than zero -

Why did he say -

He COULD care less? -;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

BOB and sponsors

BOB recently ran across a blog -

That had a DISCLAIMER -

That admitted that it accepted "compensation" -

From advertising - sponsors - etc.

And then said -

That the "compensation" wouldn't influence -

The "content, topics or posts" on the blog -

Yeah, right!

If you believe that -

I gotta bridge I wanna sell ya - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Quilter BOB'S BFF

Quilter BOB’S Bitch Fest Fridays -

Or any other day that ends in “Y” - ;))


BOB is NOT alone -

And came up with an idea - here -

If you would like join Quilter BOB'S BFF -

BOB’s version of “Bitch and Stitch” - ;))


The rules are simple -

1. Think of something to bitch about. Shouldn’t be too hard. Don’t worry about offending someone or sounding whiny. We do not judge. We just bitch. ;))

2. On any day ending in “Y” - post a Quilter BOB’S BFF post on your blog - and label it QB-BFF so we all can find them on your blog - ;)) You can post as often as you want - or not. This is just BOB’s way of giving you permission to rant - if you think you need permission - ;))

3. Somewhere in your BFF post - link back to THIS post - so that other people can find out what’s going on. They might want to join the BFF and rant, too!

4. Please DON’T comment on this post if you are not joining the Bitch Fest. If you have more than one blog - tell us which blog you will be posting to. Based on your comment - I will add your name and link to your blog to the list below. That way we will be able to check to see who has joined - and who may have some rants to read.


Quilter BOB’S BFF -

1. Quilter BOB
2. Quilty Mama
3. Linda J. - life, quilts and a cat too


If I forgot something - let me know.

I’m working on making a button for the sidebar -
I’ll let you know when it works - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

BOB speaks

BOB speaks English -

BOB speaks Leftish -

BOB speaks Gibberish -

And has learned a little Latin - ;))

But -

BOB does not speak French -

Or German -

Or Spanish -

BOB will be more than happy -

To learn to speak those languages -

If and when she decides to move -

To France -

Or -

To Germany -

Or -

To Spain - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

BOB is not alone

BOB is NOT alone -

BOB has found some friends -

Who leave comments here and there -

BOB doesn't want to scare her nicey-nice quilty readers -

So she rants here -

And not on her "other" blog -



We designate one day a week -

Or one day a month -

As a "Bitchin' Day" -

On our "other" blogs? -

Call it something special -

Call if something really cool - ;))

One of BOB's readers -

Who may wish to remain anonymous -

Didn't ask her - so I will assume she does - ;))

Suggested -

"Flip 'Em Off Friday" -

Or -

"Feel Like Flippin' 'Em Off Friday" -

Or how about - -

We could shorten that to -

"Flippin' Friday" -

Or we could just call it -

"Quilter BOB's BFF" -

"Quilter BOB's Bitch Fest Friday" - ;))

Or -

Call it something else entirely -

What do you think?

Any other suggestions for which day of the week -

Or which day of the month -

We could/should choose -

And what we could/should call it?

Or if we should even do it at all - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

P.S. I just had a silly thought -
We could do it on Sunday -
And call it our "Sunday Sermons" - ;))

Friday, May 25, 2012

BOB and Latin

Way back when BOB was younger -

A loooooooooong time ago - ;))

LATIN was the language used in a Catholic Mass -

And -

Because BOB went to a Catholic school -

And attended Catholic Mass -

BOB learned a little LATIN -

And has often wondered why -

Latinos don't speak Latin - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

BOB'S least favorite blogs - Part 2

There are a lot of blogs that -

BOB just don't bother to read any more.

They may have a “give-away” -

And -

BOB may leave a comment -

But BOB won't become a follower -

Or anything else.

And sometimes BOB won't even leave a comment -

If BOB doesn't want/need what they are giving away.

And then there are the ones -

"Have you seen my friend's blog - she's having a sale on so-and-so today."

Don’t get me wrong -

I'm all for promoting your friends -

And their blogs -

But COME ON!! -

Just admit that you and your friends are COMMERCIAL blogs -

And that quilting is your BUSINESS -

Not your HOBBY!!

And -

Before you start to think that -

I dislike ALL COMMERCIAL blogs -


I read Bonnie Hunter's blog EVERY day -

Sometimes more than once -

But I know UP FRONT that -

She is a teacher - author - etc. -

And she is not the least bit sneaky about it -

Unlike a LOT of others - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

BOB's least favorite blogs

BOB has already told you that -

She doesn't like blogs -

That are trying to SELL her something -

She forgot to add that -

Same goes for the AWARDS that are just glorified chain letters -
(Except for the Liebster Blog Award - LHQ got that one - ;))

And the GIVE-AWAYS and CONTESTS that are basically just advertising -
(GO! for it - ;)) -

And the REVIEWS that are sponsored by the supplier -
(Have you ever seen a negative review on the AccuQuilt site? - ;))

And all of other BUY ME - BUY ME crap out there -

If I want to BUY something -

I will go to your WEBSITE -

NOT your BLOG -

But then again - it's probably just me.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

BOB's favorite blogs -

BOB's favorite blogs -

Are the ones -

That aren't trying -

To SELL her something - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Friday, April 27, 2012

BOB and the New Blogger Interface

LHQ is doing some posts on the NEW BLOGGER INTERFACE -

And said -

First we need to CREATE A NEW POST -
We’ll call it “TESTING 1-2-3” -
Clever title - don’t you think? ;))

If you are not sure how to do that with the new BLOGGER INTERFACE -
Check out Quilter BOB for a quick trip around the new BLOGGER INTERFACE -
And step-by-step instructions for creating our “TESTING 1-2-3” post - ;))

SO - now that you are here -

Let’s PLAY with the new interface -

Might as well -

It’s going to be like this -

Until they decide to change it again - ;))


Anyway -

Log in to Blogger -

Say “Hello” to your new DASHBOARD -

Underneath all of the BLOGGER - “Look How Great We Are” - Crap -
That you can watch/read at your leisure -

Find the little ORANGE BOX on the right next to the name of your blog -
It has a little WHITE PEN/PENCIL in it -

“LEFT CLICK” on that - and you can CREATE A NEW POST -


Funny thing -

If it had SAID - “CREATE A NEW POST” -
WITHOUT having to hover my mouse over it -

Or just - “ NEW POST” -

I would have found it a WHOLE lot faster -

‘Cuz I am one of those who can actually READ -

And don’t need a PICTURE with a PEN/PENCIL in it -

What are we - cavemen??


Anyway -

Rather than put you at the top -
Where you can enter the TITLE of your post -
Blogger puts the cursor on the first line of your text -

SO -

Just in case you accidentally save this post as “whatever your first line reads” -
And - believe me - it will - ;))

At the top - find the box that says - POST TITLE -
Type in TESTING 1-2-3
Go back to the text area -

Hit ENTER three times -

Then type - (in caps) -
BOLD - then hit ENTER twice -
ITALICS - then hit ENTER twice -
UNDERLINE - then hit ENTER twice -

Then - go back to the top -
“LEFT CLICK” on SAVE first -
Then PREVIEW - to see what you have -
Then CLOSE the PREVIEW tab at the top of the screen -

That should take you back to the POSTS page -

If you “LEFT CLICK” on the ORANGE BOX with the WHITE "B" at the top left -
Or the MY BLOGS right below it -
You will get back to the new version of the old DASHBOARD -
Too bad they just didn't call it DASHBOARD!!

An ORANGE BOX with a WHITE B in it is another picture -
And could mean ANYTHING - or nothing at all -
Why not an ORANGE BOX with the WORD - “DASHBOARD” in it??

Find the little ORANGE BOX on the right next to the name of your blog again -
To the right of that is a little thingy that looks like TABLET OF PAPER(?) -
if you hover the mouse over it - it should say GO TO POST LIST -
“LEFT CLICK” on that - and take a look - and then come back to the "B"

Then find the little ORANGE BOX again - and the TABLET -
To the right of that is a BOX WITH AN ARROW -
If you hover your mouse over it - it says “More options” -
And you get a whole list of things -
“LEFT CLICK” on the POSTS - look familiar? ;))

They just moved stuff around - for no apparent reason!! ;))

Have fun trying to find stuff!! ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tax Day - 4/17/12

April 15th is usually Income Tax Day in the U.S.

This year it has been extended to April 17th -

But LHQ explained all of that -

This little rant is for those who aren’t going to get a REFUND -

And are pissed because they have to PAY taxes on April 15.

First off -

We ALL pay taxes -

Some just pay more than others - ;))

And even though it was a LONG time ago -

I still remember a section in my college Finance class workbook -

It applies as much today as it did WAAAAY back then -

It read -

Do not try to impute any logic into the Tax Law.

Your taxes are calculated this way -

Because CONGRESS says so!!

So if you want to get pissed -

Get pissed at CONGRESS!!

And secondly -

REFUNDS are NOT magic money -

They are REFUNDS because you PAID MORE during the year -

Than you OWED on your tax return -

And if you didn’t pay ENOUGH -

You have to pay the DIFFERENCE on April 15 -

Simple -

If you had MORE deducted from your paycheck -

Or PAID MORE on your quarterly “estimates” -

You probably wouldn’t have to pay any “DIFFERENCE” -

So -

If you want a $5000 refund next year -

Just PAY in $5000 MORE THAN YOU OWE on your Income Tax return - ;))

Oh -

And if you want to get seriously pissed -

Wait until you have to pay Income Tax AGAIN on your Social Security -

You know - the FICA - that they TAKE OUT of your check -

AFTER you have paid Income Tax on it - the first time -

Because - when you retire and actually get it PAID BACK to you -

CONGRESS has decided to call some of it “Income” -

So you get the honor of paying Income Tax on it - AGAIN -

Because CONGRESS says so!! ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

BOB and footnotes

BOB is confused again -

If she uses a certain “line” of fabric -

And makes something -

And then posts a photo of it -

Can she tell you -

The name of the fabric line -

Or not? 

If she does - will she get sued for naming it?

If she doesn’t - will she get sued -

For NOT naming the fabric line -

Or the designer -

Or the manufacturer -

Or the thread count? - ;))

BOB was taught to ALWAYS -

Give credit to her sources -

We used to have to do “term papers” -

In school -

And we needed footnotes -

Citations -

And a bibliography -

Nowadays -

All of that has been replaced by links -

And the threat of copyright infringement -

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Monday, April 2, 2012

BOB's Sampler Quilt

LHQ and I have decided to make a Sampler Quilt -

We call it our -

LHQSQ for short - ;))

It should be fun - seeing as how we HATE sampler quilts - and we HATE BOM's - hahaha.

Seriously, though - it's mostly in protest of the drama surrounding that other sampler quilt.

I'm still pissed that she can claim copyright crap on public domain blocks in a standard size - geesh!!

Anyway - I thought I would make a game of it - see if I can come up with 99 - 9-patch blocks from hither and yon.

Can't tell anyone that there will be 99 (I hope) or I'm sure to scare everybody off.

See - I probably scared you off with the mere MENTION of a sampler quilt - right?

But - hey - they're only going to be 6" - and mostly squares - HST - and QST - see how far that gets me.

And I hear that I probably shouldn't mention the fabrics I use either - oh, joy - ;))

Thursday, March 22, 2012

BOB is feeling old

BOB is feeling old -

Ever since -

She looked in the mirror -

And saw -

Her grandmother - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

BOB said "Hi"

BOB and I have been in a BIT muCHy mood lately -

In case you haven’t noticed - ;))

And have been having a lot of trouble being nice -

Tomorrow I have a “nice” post scheduled -

So don't worry - I AM feeling better -

But -

BOB was naughty -

I know that it was childish -

But BOB just couldn’t help it.

My other blog got a comment that pissed me off annoyed me -

It wasn’t rude -

Just annoying -

You can read all about it over there -
Look for the “Welcome” post -

This is the blog that nobody reads -

Except you guys, of course - ;))

So I can tell you what BOB did -

‘Cuz BOB got her feelings hurt -

And has to tell somebody.

The commenter was a “no-reply” -

But her profile had a blog listed -

So BOB went to say “Hi” -

BOB checked her blog -

And went back a few months -

To see what she had been up to.

She had just finished a FW quilt top -

Two or three posts/weeks ago -

Very pretty -

So BOB left her a comment -

On her latest post -

Saying that BOB thought her stuff was very nice -

And asked if she had tried the FW quilt yet.

I know that it wasn’t nice -

And I know that it was childish -

But BOB couldn’t help it -

And wanted her to know -

How it feels -

To have someone visit your blog -

Say “Hi” -

And then leave - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Monday, March 5, 2012

BOB doesn't do "requests"

BOB has NEVER made a quilt -

For someone else -

Let me rephrase that -

BOB DOES make quilts for family and friends -

As gifts -

Which assumes that they WANT one - ;))

But BOB has NEVER made a "commissioned" quilt -

She learned her lesson -

A long time ago -

When a lady she knew -

Asked BOB to make some dresses for her.

The lady paid BOB for the fabric - pattern - time - etc. -

No problem.

BUT when the lady went to try the dresses on -

The lady said that they fit just fine -

But that they were too LONG -

And that she wanted BOB to shorten them.

BOB asked if she was SURE -

That she wanted the dresses cut down -

Because once they were cut -

BOB wouldn’t be able to add it back on.
(See NOTE below.)

The lady said that she was SURE -

And BOB cut them down -

Then -

The lady decided that she wanted -

To wear the dresses with a BELT -

And complained to BOB -

That she couldn’t do that now -

Because the dresses -


BOB gave her her money back -

And has NEVER made anything -

For anyone else again -

Unless it was something BOB wanted to make -

And BOB got to decide the size -

The color -

The design - etc.

BOB believes that -

You can’t please them -

And that -

You can’t give someone what he/she wants -

When they don’t know -

WHAT they want - ;))


When anyone asks BOB to make a quilt for them -

She politely declines -

But offers -


Funny how the person asking -

Is no longer interested - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

**NOTE - And before you ask -
The dress/pattern design was such that it was NOT a typical "just lower the hem" situation. The fabric was jersey knit and the hem was a double top-stitch - trimmed after sewn. The shortening was NOT reversible.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

BOB doesn't do "challenges"

BOB doesn't DO "challenges" -

Life is challenging enough -

So BOB thinks -

That if you need to be "challenged" -

To do your hobby -

Then -

You need -

ANOTHER hobby - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Friday, February 17, 2012

BOB and "rap" music

Remember that this only my opinion -

And I could be wrong - ;))

But -

BOB thinks -

That the "C" -

In "rap" music -

Is silent.

But then again - it's probably just me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

There was a little girl...

Do you remember this Nursery Rhyme??

There was a little girl who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead;
When she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.

Here's BOB's version -

There was a little girl -
(Let’s call her Diane - ;))

Who had a little curl -

Right in the middle of her forehead -

When she was good -

She was very, very good -

And when she was bad -

She was horrid.

But then again - it's probably just me.


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