WARNING - BOB is my alter ego - Bitchy Old Broad.
BOB's adventures are basically rants - some funny - some silly - some stupid - some sad - some just plain bitchy -
depending on your point of view. Also be warned that I may cuss/swear on this blog. If that offends you - don't read it.
I'm a grown-up and I can swear if I want to. It's my blog. Also - these opinions are only my opinions - I could be wrong. ;))
If you haven't already - you may want to read my posts - Meet BOB - and BOB went to Target.
If you prefer not to read rants - STOP READING NOW!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Two Question Tuesday - 5/10/11

Two Question Tuesday - 5/10/11

Here's the deal -  I really liked Mama M.'s Five Question Friday - but that's just too many questions for me.  So I'm going to do my version - and without the linky thingy.

I'll ask two questions and then give you my answers.  If you want to play - you can give me your answers in the comment section.  If you have a blog and would rather answer them there - just leave a link to your blog instead.  I don't know how to do the "Linky" thing like Mama M. yet - and to be honest - I would rather sew than find out - so I'll do it this way until I figure it out.

OK - the inspiration for the questions today comes from reading a bunch of blogs over the weekend.  They were all blogs written by quilters - and they covered a wide range of subjects - including quilting - cross-stitch - embroidery - knitting - crochet - cooking/recipes - family - travel - and history.  The first question is pretty general - as you will see.  However - the second question was inspired by a visit to Bonnie Hunter's blog  here.  She had a wonderful photo tour of Christ Church, Philadelphia ((And Betsy Ross too!)) - and she asked a question about what she had found.  The reader comments/responses got me to thinking.

So here goes -

Two questions for you this Tuesday -

1.  Do you like quilt blogs that only talk about quilting?

2.  Do you know your Roman numerals or do you have to look online for a chart?


1.  Do you like quilt blogs that only talk about quilting?
Yes - actually I do - sometimes.  I like reading about a quilter's project of the day/week/month.  But I also like to read about the other things that interest the blog author.  If their interests match mine - I will probably continue to read their blog.

2.  Do you know your Roman numerals or do you have to look online for a chart?
Yes - I do know my Roman numerals.  And my multiplication tables.  (Still get messed up with 6x7 - 7x8 - though.)  I am a baby boomer.  I know this stuff.


Here's where BOB is going to get in trouble - but - what the hell - nobody reads this blog anyway - except my followers - and they probably agree with me -

The second question was inspired by Bonnie's post about her visit to Christ Church - and your answer (assuming you actually answer the question) will tell me roughly how old you are.

I must admit - I laughed when I read that someone had found a chart of Roman numerals online.

Apparently the generation gap is wider than I thought.

As a baby boomer - I was taught Roman numerals in school and the "chart" is in my head.

The internet is a wonderful resource, but I don't think it's a proper substitute for good old fashioned "learning" stuff.

I'm sure my grandchildren disagree.

Oh, well!

And - I don't want any hate mail - or whatever they call it these days -

This is just my opinion.

And my blog.


OK - your turn.


Toni said...

1. I prefer blogs posts that have images. That is my main reason for reading blogs. I get inspired by images - whether they be quilt or kids. I read A LOT of various blogs, to cover all my interests. I do have 2 blogs though to show documentation of my most active interests, my family and my quilting :)

2. Sorta. I remember learning them and sometimes forget what C is, but on the average I can figure them out. What I'm very upset with is the fact of them not teaching cursive in schools anymore. It's hard to think that even some schools have removed music programs - just ticks me off.

Margie said...

I went to school a very long time ago and learned Roman numerals. I still am not sure of some of the bigger ones and why on earth is there a 500? I only worry about it when the crossword puzzle asks for something and then I can usually fill in the other stuff and find the answere. Have not looked for them online untill today.
I like blogs that talk about other things than quilting. How else do I know that some people are way to wealthy and we would probably not ever be in the same circle in the world off line? Or what the weather is in Florida or Australia and how it affects them. BOB is appealing because the Quilt Bitch title immediately caught my eye.
I don't subscribe any blogs. I want to read when I am in the mood and not when someone else is in the mood to write.
Now aren't you sorry you asked?

Quilter BOB said...

Margie - Welcome to my blog! And no - I'm not sorry I asked. I totally agree with you on the 500 - WHY?? I'm not popular - famous - or rich ( I vote for rich!) and wouldn't fit in any circle offline - so I decided to make my own circle here. Quilt Bitch = Queen Bee. If anyone wants to listen to BOB bitch - great. If not - BOB could give a shit. ;)

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