WARNING - BOB is my alter ego - Bitchy Old Broad.
BOB's adventures are basically rants - some funny - some silly - some stupid - some sad - some just plain bitchy -
depending on your point of view. Also be warned that I may cuss/swear on this blog. If that offends you - don't read it.
I'm a grown-up and I can swear if I want to. It's my blog. Also - these opinions are only my opinions - I could be wrong. ;))
If you haven't already - you may want to read my posts - Meet BOB - and BOB went to Target.
If you prefer not to read rants - STOP READING NOW!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

BOB and the little blue box

BOB and the little blue box

BOB picked up some meds this morning –

They came in a little blue box –

A little blue booby trap –

The top of the box read –
And BOB thought – as she read it -

"This packaging is designed to help you take your medication as directed.
I know how to take one pill a day. I don’t need “help to take my/your medication as directed”.

To open, firmly press on the tip of the thumb-shaped button.
I can’t press firmly on ANYTHING anymore – much less with my thumb.

While holding the button down, pull out blister

The rest was covered by the pharmacy stickers –
So BOB peeled them back to read what was under them -

card from open end of pack.
– much less while I am trying to pull something else out.
And - what idiot is going to try to pull it out of the “closed” end of the pack??

Refer to the calendar to find your daily dose,
Again – I know how to take one pill a day. I have my system – and it works for me.

press out and take appropriate pill.
If (not when) I can get the blister card out – pressing out the little itty bitty pill is going to be a royal pain in the ass.

To close, slide the blister card back into the pack
Trying to get the blister card back in the little blue box should be even more fun.

to re-engage the child-resistance features.”
Oh – THERE it is -
To re-engage the child-resistance features.

All of this crap isn't designed to "help me/you take my/your medication as directed" -

It's designed this way because of the child-resistance features.

You’re afraid a child might try to open it.

And you’re going to get sued.

How about designing it so I can open the damn thing?


Ya think??


Funny thing – when my kids were little – I had absolutely NO trouble keeping meds out of their reach. What the hell is wrong with people nowadays that that is so hard to do? The manufacturer has to bobby trap the packaging to do it for them? Give me a break!

And - I am over sixty – exactly what children do I have to keep them “out of the reach of” anyway?? My children are grown and my grandchildren are teenagers. Even when they were little - I didn’t have any trouble keeping meds out of their reach.

I repeat - What is wrong with people?

Don’t the manufacturers realize that older people – and sick ones - who actually need these meds – also need to be able to open the damn box to get to them?

I vote they put the pills in a little bottle – let’s even call it a "pill bottle” – and sell them that way. Then I can keep them out of the reach of children – I do know how.

You want to know the really stupid part?

We don’t even have the option of getting them as separate little pills -

They ONLY come in the little blue box –

So guess what I spent the rest of the morning doing –

Yup –

Cutting the damn things out of the blister pack in the little blue box –

And putting them in a pill bottle –

So that I can take my medication as directed.

But then again – it’s probably just me.

1 comment:

Katie said...

You know what you need to get the darn little pills out of the package (other than a blow torch and power saw)? A child. Yep. Give that to a kid and they'll figure out how to get the "candy" out of that package in no time.

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