WARNING - BOB is my alter ego - Bitchy Old Broad.
BOB's adventures are basically rants - some funny - some silly - some stupid - some sad - some just plain bitchy -
depending on your point of view. Also be warned that I may cuss/swear on this blog. If that offends you - don't read it.
I'm a grown-up and I can swear if I want to. It's my blog. Also - these opinions are only my opinions - I could be wrong. ;))
If you haven't already - you may want to read my posts - Meet BOB - and BOB went to Target.
If you prefer not to read rants - STOP READING NOW!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

LHQ - International Left-Handed Quilters Anonymous


Note - this is a new and improved version (re-edited re-post) of one I posted on my other blog -  A Left-Handed Quilter.

I once mentioned that I thought that we needed to start our very own 
"International Left-Handed Quilters Association".  (ILHQA)

I've changed my mind - I think we need to call it -


Then we could have a meeting online - and I could say -

Hello, my name is Kitty - and I'm a Left-Handed Quilter.

And then you could say -

Hello, Kitty!


Sorry - I'm in a goofy mood today - and I've always wanted to say that - but it's kinda hard to work into a conversation!

Did you know that August 13 is International Left-Handers Day?

Check out my other blog - A Left-Handed Quilter - for a special post on August 13.

My mission between now and then is to get other Lefties out there to get my button on their blog and to maybe show up for the meeting.   Maybe we can link up or something - I still need to work on that.  And an agenda - probably need an agenda - and...

And - I'm curious - just how many left-handed quilters are out there in blogland?
Hundreds?  Thousands?  Millions?  (No, Kitty - it's just you and some of your followers!)

So - leave me a comment and answer two questions for me - if you would, please -

1.  Are you a lefty?
2.  What gives you the most trouble in the right-handed world of quilting?

Thanks -

Talk to you later - gotta go - gotta sew -

1 comment:

Katie M. said...

I did not know that Aug 13 was left-handers day.... I guess I'll do something special for DH!

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