WARNING - BOB is my alter ego - Bitchy Old Broad.
BOB's adventures are basically rants - some funny - some silly - some stupid - some sad - some just plain bitchy -
depending on your point of view. Also be warned that I may cuss/swear on this blog. If that offends you - don't read it.
I'm a grown-up and I can swear if I want to. It's my blog. Also - these opinions are only my opinions - I could be wrong. ;))
If you haven't already - you may want to read my posts - Meet BOB - and BOB went to Target.
If you prefer not to read rants - STOP READING NOW!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

BOB went to the library

BOB went to the library

A couple of months ago I read a great blog rant about the "Oh, I can't do that!" experience - about the stupid attitude of those people who don’t know even want to learn how to do stuff.  Like quilt.  You know the one - the "You're better than us!" attitude - trying to make you feel guilty because you can do something they can't.  Yeah - that one!

I have had a couple of those experiences – and I must admit that I don't even want to learn some of this damn computer crap - I would much rather sew.  But - I have worked with computers since the mid-70's so it's not like I lack experience and/or don't know how.  I just get tired of relearning stuff that is not broken - but has been changed anyway - just because.  Then there's the new stuff - soooooo much new stuff - sometimes it's overwhelming - and I just don't want to play anymore.  But I digress -

My rant is a little bit different than the "Oh, I can't do that!" one – the “flip” side, if you will.  You should all know by now that I'm a Flippin Lefty!  I flip everything from rulers to directions.  Sometimes I even flip them off.  But I digress – again -

So -

Once upon a time - my husband and I went to the public library (remember those?).

That particular day the local quilt guild had displayed some beautiful quilts and some guild members were demonstrating hand quilting on a huge frame.  I watched one lady while she stitched.  I like to see "How" people do things - might learn something - you never know.

She noticed me and proceeded to explain what she was doing.

Then another lady asked if I quilted.

I (being my modest self) said, "A little."

The second lady invited me to join the guild.

They met at 9:00AM on Tuesdays.

I told her I couldn't do that - I worked.

She said - "Oh, you poor thing!  You'll just have to wait until you retire!"

BOB smiled sweetly and walked away - all the while thinking -

Watch what you say - ladies - especially if you don't know who you are talking to!


What they didn't know was -

1) Yes, I worked - as a CPA (Certified Public Accountant).  There is nothing "poor" about being a professional!  I told doctors and lawyers what to do!  And they did it!  Because I said so!

2) I already had a collection of blue ribbons from the local County Fair and a quilt show in a near-by town.  Blue ribbons for my "hand-quilting" - no less!  I may have had to wait to join their guild - but I certainly didn't have to wait to quilt!  And how dare you assume that I didn't know anything - because I didn't belong to your guild! 

The point of my story is -

I didn't get the "You're better than us!" attitude.

I got the “flip” side.

I got the "We're better than you!" attitude.

I got the "We belong to the GUILD!" attitude.

I got the "You can't possibly know anything if you don't belong to the GUILD!" attitude.

I think that the condescending attitude of some quilters is far worse than the stupid attitude of those who won't even try to learn!!  

And - no – even though I am now retired - I won't be joining the local quilt guild any time soon!

I much prefer blogland - where I can find like-minded quilters – read their blogs (or not) - stay in my jammies and not even leave home.  I can sit back and watch some ladies crank out a quilt a week while I just take my time and enjoy the process.  Not that there's anything wrong with that - but I am no less a quilter because I go at a slower pace.  And I resent those who think I am. 

And I certainly hope that I don't come across in my blog as "I'm better than you!" to any of my readers.  I screw up all of the time - but I try to make the best of it - and share with you what works and doesn't work for me.  Maybe it will save you some time and/or trouble.  Maybe not.

And I certainly do not want to imply that all guild members are snobs.  Most of them are not.

I'm just talking about some bitchy quilters who have crossed my path.

Like the one "teacher" who visited (interrupted) my teacher's class.  She was all full of herself because she had just written a book.  La - de - fuckin' - da!  She announced to the class - "I don't see COLOR - I see VALUE!"  Then she proceeded to criticize one student's (my friend) color choices.  COLOR is a personal choice - you don't CRITICIZE someone's color choices!!  How rude!!   
And - to me - blogland is way more fun than being stuck in a guild meeting anyway.

Those damn things remind me of WORK!


Besides - one BOB in the room is enough.

But then again – it’s probably just me.

1 comment:

Katie said...

And here I thought you were actually going to talk about the library... But I'm on the same page with you - the local group here (I'm not sure they're a guild) had a show a few years ago and I went and then thought about joining until I had to fill out an application. An APPLICATION!?!? I have no idea what it asked for. I was too schocked and offended to bother.

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