WARNING - BOB is my alter ego - Bitchy Old Broad.
BOB's adventures are basically rants - some funny - some silly - some stupid - some sad - some just plain bitchy -
depending on your point of view. Also be warned that I may cuss/swear on this blog. If that offends you - don't read it.
I'm a grown-up and I can swear if I want to. It's my blog. Also - these opinions are only my opinions - I could be wrong. ;))
If you haven't already - you may want to read my posts - Meet BOB - and BOB went to Target.
If you prefer not to read rants - STOP READING NOW!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

BOB doesn't do Starbucks


BOB thinks that STARBUCKS charges too much money.

BOB doesn’t know the current menu prices –

Nor does she care.

BOB can get a 12 oz. CAN of coffee

For under $6.00

And make 14 POTS of coffee

Each with 12 CUPS

For a total of 168 CUPS.

If BOB does the math
(And she does know how)

$6.00 / 168 cups  = .03571429 per cup

That’s  $0.036 per cup

STARBUCKS couldn’t beat that even if it had a stick!

But then again – it’s probably just me.


Rose said...

I don't do Starbucks either. I really like Dunkin Donuts coffee, but I don't do it either. I can't justify paying that much for a cup of coffee when I can make the same thing for so much less. To each his own.

Katie M. said...

Oh dear - I do Starbucks - about 2 or 3 times a year! I love iced coffee and I like it sweet - it's my indulgence. But I do like your math :-)

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