WARNING - BOB is my alter ego - Bitchy Old Broad.
BOB's adventures are basically rants - some funny - some silly - some stupid - some sad - some just plain bitchy -
depending on your point of view. Also be warned that I may cuss/swear on this blog. If that offends you - don't read it.
I'm a grown-up and I can swear if I want to. It's my blog. Also - these opinions are only my opinions - I could be wrong. ;))
If you haven't already - you may want to read my posts - Meet BOB - and BOB went to Target.
If you prefer not to read rants - STOP READING NOW!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

BOB went to class

I recently read a blog telling of a quilting class -

Where a mom had brought her new baby -

Three weeks old -

Awwwwwwwwww -

What a cutie!!

She had left her two older kids home with daddy -

But brought the baby to class - ;))

BOB finds it hilarious strange -

That DADDY can't/won't handle all three kids -

On class day -

But MOMMY is expected to handle all three kids -

EVERY day - ;))

But I digress -

Now I know that I am probably in the minority -

A - G - A - I - N -

But I don’t think -

That the mom should have -

Brought the baby to class -

Even if she was breastfeeding -

That's why they have breast-pumps - ;))

I think that it was rude and selfish of her -

Unless the class SPECIFICALLY invited children -

Don't get me wrong -

I am ALL FOR teaching kids to quilt -

And the younger - the better -

But you have got to admit -

That three weeks old is a bit young -

To get a full grasp of the basics - ;))


If I were another mom -

Who had arranged for a babysitter -

For my kids -

And signed up for a class -

I would not appreciate -

Another mom bringing HER baby to class -

I left mine at home -

On purpose -

So that I could get AWAY from kids -

And talk to some grown-ups in the daytime -

Only to have YOU bring YOURS??

thankyouthankyouverymuch -

And then I’m expected to smile -

And say Awwwwwwwwww -

What a cutie!!

When I would much rather say -

Awwwwwwwww, MAN!! -

Or -

Oh, CRAP!! -

Why didn't you tell me kids were allowed?? -

If I had known -

I wouldn't have gone to all of that trouble -

To make special arrangements -

I would have just brought MY kids, too!! - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BOB and the check

Long story short -

We had a check for $4.67 -

And decided to cash it -

Rather than deposit it to our account -

BIG mistake -

Felt like “Target” all over again - ;))


My Other Half went to the bank -

Gave the kid/teller the check -

Told him that he would like to cash it -

And saw the confused look on his face -

The kid/teller had no clue how to “cash” it -

So My Other Half offered to give him 33 cents -

To make it an even $5.00 -

I swear -

And I have the receipt to prove it -

THREE transactions later -

#1 - Deposit to checking - $0.33

#2 - Deposit to checking - $4.67

#3 - Withdrawal from checking - $5.00

Comment for checking -
Cash Withdrawal -

Cash Received - 0.33
Check Received - 4.67
Cash Delivered - -5.00

And the kicker -

ID Source - Driver Lic

Should have just deposited the dang thing -

THAT would have been -

ONE transaction - ;))

As it turns out -

The kid/teller -

Was the SUPERVISOR!! -

And you wonder why I worry -

About this next generation - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

BOB insists

There are those among us -


That we remove the word verification -

From OUR blogs -

To make it easier -

For THEM -

To leave a comment -

To which BOB replies -



You’ve heard that before -


How about this -

BOB insists -

That YOU -

Remove any and all music from your blog -
It is annoying -
And I don’t want to hear it -

Change the font size and color on your blog -
To something that I can actually READ -
I won’t read your blog if I CAN’T read your blog -

Use proper grammar -
Him and me did NOT go to the store -
I did not spend years in school learning proper grammar -
Just to hear/read you butcher it -

Spell words correctly -
So that I know what you mean -
WHERE and WEAR are NOT the same -
And there is a difference between THERE - THEIR - and THEY’RE -
And there is a difference between YOUR and YOU’RE -

To make it easier -

For ME -

To understand YOU -

To which you would undoubtedly reply -


You can’t tell me what to do!!

It’s MY blog -

It's MY music -

It’s MY font -

It’s how I speak -

It’s how I spell -

You’re not the boss of me!!

And BOB would just smile sweetly -

And say -


But then again - it’s probably just me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BOB and the light

Where does the light go -

When you turn the switch -

OFF? -

If it was a good light -

Does it go to heaven?

If it was a bad light -

Does it go to hell?

Or does it just go -


Where does our light go -

When we -


If we were a good light -

Do we go to heaven?

If we were a bad light -

Do we go to hell?

Or does our light just go -

OUT? - ;))

But then again - it’s probably just me.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

Don't know who said it first -

But BOB and I agree -

Funny how we celebrate Labor Day -

By NOT working - ;))

But then again - it's probably just me.


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